Fidelity Labs-incubated regulatory technology provider Saifr has announced a partnership with Pinpoint Global Communications to integrate artificial intelligence (AI) workflow for financial services.
Through the collaboration, Pinpoint Global Communications’ customers are expected to be able to employ Saifr’s AI modules in their workflows. This will enable them to develop compliant marketing communications more effectively.
According to Saifr, its AI models will examine content and flag possible regulatory risks prior to sending the materials to compliance teams.
By leveraging AI, customers are expected to assess written documents, audios, and videos, to assure compliance.
Pinpoint Global Communications offers on-demand, online training, and compliance solutions for financial services and health insurance firms.
The firm’s learning management system (LMS) is personalised for organisations to seamlessly provide the necessary training and education to get salespeople, agents, and advisors ready to sell rapidly with real-time tracking and reporting for administrators and users.
Pinpoint Global Communications president and CEO Bob Sullivan said: “Through our integration with Saifr, our clients can access the AI tools they need to help create compliant content more efficiently. This gives Pinpoint a competitive advantage.”
Saifr facilitates the development, evaluation, and approval of public communications to reduce regulatory, brand, and reputational risk.
The company claims to utilise its access to millions of documents representing over 15 years of work by thousands of marketing and compliance specialists in numerous sectors to develop deep-learning AI models.
Saifr founder and CEO Vall Herard said: “Our work with Pinpoint illustrates how the financial industry is utilizing AI and advanced language models to help create compliant content.
“We worked closely with the Pinpoint team to integrate our AI modules into their robust workflow API, creating a more efficient compliance review process.”