Palisades Group (“Palisades”), an alternative asset manager in the global residential credit and real estate markets, is pleased to announce that it has attained verification for Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS) compliance across its discretionary private funds practice and has been independently verified by ACA Performance Services for the period December 14, 2017 through December 31, 2022.

The GIPS Standards, globally recognized as the standard for industry best practice for investment performance reporting and presentation, represents a set of standardized ethical guidelines that aim to provide transparency and comparability in investment performance reporting. After months of preparation, Palisades has attained verification of compliance with GIPS Standards. Of the more than 15,500 SEC-registered investment advisers, less than 10% claim GIPS compliance as of September 2023, according to the CFA Institute.

“We’re proud to have undertaken the rigorous process required to verify Palisades’ compliance with the GIPS standards,” said Chris Dunn, CPA, Chief Accounting Officer of Palisades. “Being GIPS compliant can give our clients confidence that our performance reporting meets the industry’s highest standards for accuracy and consistency.”

GIPS verification involves an in-depth independent review of a firm’s policies, procedures, controls, and investment results data. By meeting the verification requirements, firms reinforce their commitment to ethics, transparency, and integrity in reporting investment performance to clients.

“Achieving compliance with the GIPS standards reflects our commitment to industry leadership, integrity, and transparency in reporting our investment performance to clients,” said Fraser Armstrong-Watters, CFA, Chief Financial Officer of Palisades. “Adhering to these globally recognized standards enhances our ability to provide reliable and comparable investment results.”

GIPS is a registered trademark owned by CFA Institute. CFA Institute does not endorse or promote this organization, nor does it warrant the accuracy or quality of the content contained herein.

Source: Company Press Release