HERE Technologies, a location data and technology platform, has disclosed that SIMULYTIC, a venture by Siemens, is leveraging the HERE HD Live Map within its simulation software.

This strategic utilisation aims to calculate the automated vehicle deployment risk score (AVDRS) tailored for insurance companies.

The surge in the advancement and commercial deployment of self-driving technology poses a distinctive challenge for insurance providers. This evolution entails a shift from human to software-driven vehicles, leaving insurers grappling with the absence of a comprehensive claims history for creating risk profiles and determining insurance premiums for autonomous vehicle (AV) deployments.

This lack of an evidence-based methodology for consistently evaluating driving risks presents a significant hurdle in underwriting AVs.

To address this emerging challenge, SIMULYTIC employs large-scale simulations of proposed AV deployments, generating synthetic driving histories. These simulations consider factors such as traffic, weather conditions, and other hyperlocal data.

The crucial element in this process is the HERE HD Live Map, a highly detailed, cloud-based map designed for autonomous systems. This map includes intricate details about the road network, offering lane-level precision, and encompasses road furniture like signs and poles.

SIMULYTIC chief operating officer Andy Gill said: “The distinguishing aspect of our approach to insurance risk scoring is that our simulations are tailor-made for a particular AV deployment.

“Fast turnaround and coverage anywhere AVs might deploy, were key requirements for us and the HERE HD Live Map delivers on both.”

The HERE HD Live Map, renowned for its accuracy, plays a pivotal role in SIMULYTIC’s innovative approach. By providing a precise model of the road network, including lane configurations and markings, it enables the generation of synthetic driving histories essential for assessing AV deployment risks.

Notably, this advanced mapping technology is already in use by the world’s first commercially available vehicles equipped with Level 3 automated driving systems. The collaboration between HERE Technologies and SIMULYTIC signifies a significant leap in addressing the evolving insurance landscape amidst the proliferation of autonomous driving technologies.

HERE Technologies product management SD and HD maps vice president Leen Balcaen said: “With its simulation-based risk profiles, SIMULYTIC is a catalyst for the deployment of autonomous vehicles at scale.

“The integration of the HERE HD Live Map into SIMULYTIC’s solution showcases its versatility for any use case that requires precise mapping.”