DataVisor, an artificial intelligence (AI)-driven platform for fraud and financial crime prevention, has announced major enhancements to its advanced multi-tenancy solutions.

The new upgrades will enable businesses to configure and personalise fraud prevention and anti-money laundering (AML) strategies. They will also allow them to easily deploy the strategies across multiple sub-tenants.

According to DataVisor, organisations will be able to implement features, business rules, and machine learning models to guarantee comprehensive and consistent protection along with flexible data segregation, orchestration, and reportings.

By leveraging the new multi-tenancy enhancements, core banking providers, processors, and acquirers will be able to offer advanced fraud and AML tools to their customers.

They will also leverage their network-level view of transactions as well as activities to develop consortium risk signals.

Besides, the upgrades address compliance hurdles for sponsor banks to improve their risk management with fintech collaborations.

Large financial institutions can also utilise the multi-tenancy setup to centralise data and feature computation at the main tenant level. This will also help individual business units to make decisions independently through sub-tenancy.

DataVisor’s next generation multi-tenancy capabilities provide three distinct options to customers. These are customised to varying levels of data segregation, control, and configurability at the sub-tenant level.

The three options are enforcement, recommendation, and enrichment.

The enforcement option enables the main tenant to define all data computation, strategies, and reportings for the sub-tenants.

The recommendation option centralises data computation and offers sub-tenants the flexibility to define their own strategies while building upon those defined by the main tenant.

On the other hand, the enrichment option supports sub-tenants to be in full control of their own data computation as well as development of strategies and reportings.

According to DataVisor, the upgraded multi-tenancy features a cloud-native architecture with full elasticity, allowing performance to scale seamlessly as the number of sub-tenants grows.

This supports real-time payment use cases with more than 15,000 transactions per second (TPS) and 100-200ms end-to-end processing latency for the main tenant as well as the sub-tenants.

DataVisor chief technology officer Caiwei Li said: “The enhanced multi-tenancy capabilities exemplify our dedication to empowering customers in their fight against modern fraud and money laundering activities.

“Unlike other solutions, we offer a greater variety of advanced technology and flexible options, tailored to meet the specific business needs we’ve identified through customer feedback. These enhanced capabilities are already being rolled out to several of our existing customers, demonstrating its effectiveness and reliability.”